Thursday, February 16, 2012

Type of Information System

Best Buy is a company which uses an Inter-enterprise Information System.


  • There are two or more independent organization: that are working with the same information: This is not just because Best Buy works in many different countries, also it is because Best Buy works with many other retail stores. 
  • There is a Mandatory training: Like in any other corporation, there is a basic training for all new employees, and also there is constant trainings to current employees.
  • The Solutions to problems require cooperation: If there is an issue with an specific product that arrive to a costumer, and that product was acquired in retailer store, should be a communication between the retailer store ans Best Buy to solve the customer’s problem.
Departmental Applications:

This are different departments that are working at Best Buy and those who may be a silos’ information problem, and cause a duplicated information at the same time. 
  • Sales and Marketing: Customer management, Sales forecasting, Product and branch management, etc.
  • Operations: Order management, Inventory, etc.
  • Customer Service: Order tracking, Account tracking,Customer support, etc.
  • Human Resources: Payroll, Planning, Management, etc.
  • Accounting: Financial reporting, Budgets, Accounts management, etc.

Business Process Re-engineering:

Best Buy like any other company has a CRM system, like we mention above with the Rewards Zone Program. All of those benefits, has to have a data base where all the information about the client and the kind of rewards are been manage.

Best Buy not just implement CRM system, it also implement ERP, where CRM it is included too. Here are integrated Human Resources management, Sales management, Customer support, etc.

Challenges of Implementing a New Enterprise Systems:
  • Collaborative management
  • Requirement gaps
  • Transition problems
  • Employee resistance

1 comment:

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